Friday, March 31, 2017

7 months!

Well, the best little baby ever is 7 months!! He's growing so much it seems like he's doing something new everyday it's hard to keep track of everything! This month he has loved talking, laughing, singing, playing in his bouncer, listening to mommy play the piano, trying to get his toes in his mouth (that big belly gets in the way!!), reading books, petting Gauge, and touching mommy and daddy's faces. 😊

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Aquarium visit!

I took a personal day on Monday, so Beau and I took a trip to the Newport Aquarium. (Thanks again for the awesome Christmas gift, mom!!)

He LOVED watching all of the fish, sharks, and turtles. Going during the day was also really awesome because there was hardly anybody there and we really got to take our time. He sat in front of the big shark tank for quite awhile. 😊 🦈

He was watching someone dressed up like a giant fish. He looked so confused.

Rockin his shark jacket that my friend Carl bought him!! 

My personal favorite... PENGUINS!!!!

6 months

A couple weeks late, but here are Beau's pics! Let me just say, it is getting so much harder to take a picture of him because he moves around so much!! He's still not rolling over completely on his own, but he has learned to sit up on his own (with minor tip overs). He's loving all the new foods he gets to try too (minus green beans)!

Baby giggles are THE BEST!!!